Tribute to

Caval Tor Gaelen
12/22/96 - 9/5/09

Sire: Vastgota Rudolf Valentino
Dam: Advent Hill Amaryllis of Elrond
Breeder: Cheryl Albert


My Beloved Companion of almost 13 years waits at the Rainbow Bridge.

Gaelen died naturally on 9/5/09, at home, from heart/breathing problems which were not genetic per our Vet. He had been having problems over the last 8 months and almost died last February.

Gaelen was a true ambassador for our breed. He was a CKC and UKC champion and won the SV Canadian Nationals in 2002. Gaelen traveled throughout the USA and Canada with me. He went from Alaska to Florida and Massachusetts to California. He traveled the southwest ... Arizona, Utah, New Mexico quite often. Wherever he went, he was loved and remembered by name....even if it was a few years in between our visits. He traveled by camping with me and his brother Taliesen.  His last trip was to the 2009 SVCA Nationals in Topeka, Kansas, where he participated in the first Celebration Parade for the SVCA.

For me....................he was my friend, my light, the spirit and heart of my soul and I am bereft.

I got Gaelen on Valentine's day of 1997. I drove up to Cheryl Albert's home with two of my friends, Judy and Barbara. We stayed at Cheryl's overnight and went out to dinner. My first view of Gaelen was with his three siblings:







On the ride home, my friends drove and I sat in back cradling Gaelen the 300 miles home. Taliesen joined us the following year....again in February (Tali was born 12/2/97) and the two Boyz have been inseparable ever since. They have been known as 'The Boyz'. Both have been featured in newspapers and magazines and books.....all to promote the SV in those early years.

As I lay with Gaelen's body, Taliesen and our new family member, Mele, laid by me. 

We all said goodbye and then I placed Gaelen in his bed with his two favorite toys, Tiger and Puppy, who were almost as old as he was and placed him on his favorite green chair.




Cheryl drove down halfway and my niece and her husband drove Gaelen and me halfway up so Cheryl could take Gaelen to our northern vet, Joe Baillargeon to harvest his eyes for Dr. K's research.

No matter how much I knew this day was coming and no matter how much we lived each day as an extra blessing, especially since February, his loss hurts so much I cannot describe it. We will continue on and function......but life with joy will take a bit.

As I said about my beloved old fellow, Snappy, who led me to the SVs  (Snappy's page)

A Light of my dimmed from my view
but bright & vibrant in my heart and mind and soul.
Love lives on, my friend.

Love Forever,
Gail, Taliesen, Mele


Gaelen's Last Picture the day before he died, 9/4/09. He had treats in the AM; 'ran' in the field and rolled on the newly mown grass; played with water from the hose; danced on his towel to dry off; played a little catch with his tennis ball; then took a nap.


Rainbow Bridge


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This site is completely owned and  managed by Gail Smyka. I do this in gratitude to Cheryl Albert because I highly respect her  and because she was the one who started me in SV's with my wonderful Boyz, Gaelen & Taliesen.
Gail Smyka

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